Peter Cole – Joins KE Costs Lawyers Ltd

KE Costs Lawyers are delighted to announce that  Peter Cole has joined the team here in Liverpool  this week as part of the negotiating team. Peter brings a wealth of Costs drafting and negotiating experience from his time in the legal industry obtained over the past 13 years.  Peter brings first-hand knowledge and understanding [...]

2021-09-10T10:44:51+01:00May 9th, 2018|Costs, Law Costs, Legal Costs, News, Personal Injury Claims, Serious Injury Claims|Comments Off on Peter Cole – Joins KE Costs Lawyers Ltd

Our Costs Experts, Tom Mullin and John Gannon give a detailed overview of how the new proposed electronic bill of costs will work. Are you ready?

In his Final Report in 2010, Lord Justice Jackson criticised the current format of the Bill of Costs for being too expensive to draft, not making use of available technology and for generally presenting an unrealistic view of costs incurred. This brought about the formation of the Hutton Committee who accepted the challenge of designing [...]

2021-09-10T10:44:51+01:00October 17th, 2017|Costs, Holiday Claims, Law Costs, Legal Costs, Motorbike Claims, Personal Injury Claims, Serious Injury Claims|Comments Off on Our Costs Experts, Tom Mullin and John Gannon give a detailed overview of how the new proposed electronic bill of costs will work. Are you ready?
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