KE Costs Lawyers Funding Options
Funding, be it disbursement funding, general litigation funding or Legal Costs Advance funding can be an unfamiliar area for some legal professionals.
It’s probably fair to say that some might view the prospect of obtaining such funding with suspicion, and this is understandable when some funding organisations have disappeared and others charge not only unrealistic levels of interest, but also add on unnecessary additional costs such as draw down fees and huge levels of compound interest.
The team here at KE Costs Lawyers have sound experience in understanding the Legal Funding market and share many of the frustrations which legal practitioners also experience.
KE Costs Lawyers have worked alongside our new Legal Funding Partner, MA UK, who are a part of MA Financial Group, to produce transparent commercially sensible Legal Funding products, where there are no unexpected charges, no draw down fees or other surprises hidden away in the small print.
These new products are designed to give your legal practice, clients and business associates absolute peace of mind when deciding on how to fund disbursements and/or to draw down up to 70% of your Legal Costs on large matters before settlement, giving your legal practice more flexibility and subsequently improving the cash flow and effectiveness of your business.
We believe these products will revolutionise the Legal Funding market and would be delighted to share them with you.
Please drop our Colin Carr an email: [email protected] for more information or feel free to telephone him for an informal chat on 07540 987 211.